I was sitting in my quiet time this morning, on my front porch drinking delicious coffee from Colorado, in my shorts, T-Shirt and sneakers prepared for going for a long walk I was gazing upon the Word. I was captivated by his Word and His Presence. Joy and great expectation were rising in my heart! I whispered to Him, “I love you Jesus.” I was thanking Him.
Love and gratitude flooded my heart. I realize we are His treasure. He calls us His Masterpiece. He created us for this time to be co-heirs with Christ in deep relationship with Him, partnering with Him to release His love to the broken, healing and restoring lives. We need to realize that in this broken world, we are God’s masterpiece! It is a mystery, but it is true Ephesians 2:10).
The Apostle Paul could see Jesus’ love for him, and what the Lord had prepared for him for eternity. He lived a life of suffering, but was the most joyful man I ever heard about. He could see pure love and light in Jesus Christ. He knew in his heart that Jesus was crucified for him so he could endure. This is key! Paul kept his mind on his inheritance, on Christ and on things above. Paul considered everything rubbish compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Jesus intimately (Phil. 3:8).
God wants us to know His promises from His Word. He is calling me to release this passion I have for Jesus, this love and knowledge of God, to equip and prepare His people to see Him as He truly is. To unveil the unsearchable riches that are found in Christ Jesus is a privilege and an honor. Thank you Lord. I know why they call the gospel “Good News.”
God is releasing a new thing down deep in my spirit. He gave me an idea to run summer sessions on the Essentials of His Word! These ideas are filling my heart with excitement! There is an urgency in my spirit. The Lord wants His church to Know Him deeply, to be free. When you know the Truth, the Truth will set you free… free from addictions, the power of sin, guilt, shame, rejection, regret, depression, past hurts, and disappointments. God’s Word has the secrets, mysteries, and treasures that empower true freedom (John 8:31-32)!
Paul said, ”I pray for you constantly, asking the glorious Father for spiritual wisdom, and insight so that we might grow in the knowledge of God.” He prayed for light to fill our hearts, so we could know our confident hope, and our rich and glorious inheritance (Ephesians 1:17-18)!
Jesus wants the church to be FREE!! He wants you to walk in the Spirit, enjoy this incredible life in Him, and remain faithful to His teachings! A deep revelation of the knowledge of Christ and His amazing love for you is the key that unlocks freedom in your heart. This will empower a thirst to love God in a personal way. The excitement of experiencing His presence empowers us to share these mysteries of God’s powerful Word to others! Jesus called His servants to be “FLAMES OF FIRE.” Let’s together spread His love and mercy to others!
Are you interested in growing into a deep knowledge of your glorious inheritance?
What will Revelation 19 Ministries bring to you and your church family?
Teaching Topics:
The Priceless Value of.Knowing God
Loving God Releases Love to Others
Kingdom Mindsets
Salvation Inheritance, The Bride of Christ
Life and Freedom in the Spirit
Trials, Endurance, Hope, Joy, Peace
Wholeness, Spirit, Soul, and Body
Our True Identity
Beauty of Holiness
Unveiling Eternity
Please stay connected to blogs, newsletters, Facebook, and Rev 19 outreaches. Contact me if you would like to book an event, workshop, or summer session at your church, home, or facility. Gather a group and become empowered by the Word of God. Please check out my website and see what others are saying about the ministry of Rev 19!
Are you ready to encounter Christ, grow in the knowledge of Him, and be free? Check my Facebook page for up and coming events. Sign up for Revelation 19 Ministries newsletter on my website, or email Tracey@rev19.org to connect.
His Word burns in my heart like a fire. It’s like a fire in my bones! I am worn out trying to hold it in! I can’t do it!
Jeremiah 20:9
But whenever someone turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away. For the Lord is the Spirit, and wherever the Spirit of the Lord is there is freedom. So all of us who have had that veil removed can see and reflect the glory of the Lord. And the Lord who is the Spirit makes us more and more like him as we are changed into his glorious image.
2 Corinthians 3:16-18
I want to thank all of you that have partnered with Revelation 19 Ministries through prayer, financial blessing, and serving along my side!

What a great weekend with my family! We were at the shore to celebrate my niece’s graduation, her dance dynamics performance, and an incredible time with my beautiful Mom. Keep my mom in your prayers! We know, nothing is impossible with God! Please pray for a miracle of healing from heaven!
God Bless my family, and friends.