Arnie and I are celebrating 30 years of marriage at Lake Tahoe!
I gaze out my hotel window this morning at the beautiful snowcapped mountain tops of the Sierra Nevada mountains with not a cloud in the sky. It looks like a painting that God is displaying before my eyes for me to see Him. I was thanking Jesus for this beautiful time with my husband. In that moment, I remembered that in just a few days, June 2nd, thirteen years ago, I received devastating news of a leukemia diagnosis.
Shocked!!! Desperate!!! In fear. What if I die? Where am I going? I remember thinking, “Is heaven real? Will God know me? What will I need to know to enter heaven? Is God going to rescue me?”
On my knees, I surrendered and met the Lord that day. I cried out to him! He awakened my heart! He filled me with light and revealed the Holy Spirit's voice to me. He spoke the powerful Word of Jesus' love and His forgiveness! It was like I heard about Jesus for the first time!!
On my journey, He set me free from fear, healed my soul wounds, restored my body from leukemia as well as another life threatening muscle cancer called leimyosarcoma! The worst time in my life became the greatest revelation of Jesus Christ! Jesus and His Word became the anchor of my soul!
He is really with us! His presence is warm, tangible and real. His Word is the final authority in our life, our trials, and all circumstances!
Faith grows by hearing the Word of God! The Word becomes alive and powerful as we read it and speak it back to the Lord! This kind of prayer life is exhilarating, not boring. God loves when we talk to Him about His promises, His commandments, and His love for us!!
We become passionate for Jesus when we realize how great His love is… His sacrifice and His great return to earth! The Bible says in Revelation 22:17, “The Spirit and the Bride say ‘come Lord Jesus.’"
We must desire to know what our future holds! (Philippians 3:20-21) The Bible clearly tells us! When we know this truth, we desire what God desires, and He becomes our life! (Colossians 3:1-4)
His love and kindness that was revealed to me before I was healthy changed my life. I desperately wanted to know everything I could about Jesus before I died of cancer! Along with my doctor’s appointments, my agenda each day was to be in His powerful Word and to seek His presence and remain close to His heart.
We have to know His heart so we do not follow or listen to any other voice! Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life!! We must know Truth! I went to church my whole life. Still, I believed what the enemy said to me about myself until I came to know my identity in Christ through His Word. The power to know Truth is released by His Spirit!
Fear left, and I had a peace and a joy that I cannot explain at this devastating time. Faith was arising in my heart and I chose to trust God and believe His Word over every other word in my life. The peace and joy that the Bible talks about is released from His Spirit! This peace and joy floods our souls from within as we gaze upon His transforming Word! Christ’s sacrifice for me and His love that was tangible as I sat and listened to His Word kept me believing everything I was reading!
I never get tired of sharing the realness of Jesus!
Lake Tahoe is spectacular!
The water looks like the Caribbean, turquoise with different shades of blue. It is mesmerizing, peaceful. I found myself continually thanking the Lord for all He has done in me and through me!
I am in awe of the Creator Jesus Christ! His workmanship and creativity are beyond my comprehension! This same God that created heaven and earth and everything in it, all this beauty I have been experiencing this week, is the same powerful, majestic God that lives inside of us!
The Lord loves you and me so much. We are so valued by God that His heart is about this intense love relationship He wants with us. Jesus Christ came to the earth, shed His blood, died in our place and rose from the grave. He lives!!! He wants to live inside each one of us so we can be so close to Him! Our relationship with Jesus as our Bridegroom is found in Revelation 19:7-8 and Ephesians 5:31-32. We are the church, His Bride! In Christ we have all spiritual blessings and His promises! We are rich in Him!
Enjoy your journey in Christ. If you have not been born from above, ask the Lord to open the eyes of your heart so you can see the Love of Jesus. He hung on the cross in your place!
Every Day is a Blessing!
As we hike around Lake Tahoe, we are enjoying God's beauty and our love for one another! The pizza and the handmade chocolate-caramel popcorn is absolutely amazing! We are enjoying life! Thank you Lord!
Life is short, every day is a blessing!!
Live a life in God's love, in thanksgiving. Always share Jesus. Praise God, and be extremely joyful for such a great salvation!!
Mother's Day Ministry
I recently spoke at Abundant Life Church in Birdsboro! What a great time with the women at their Mother’s Day breakfast!
Thank you Lord for the message on "The supernatural treasures."
Thank you Lord for all the women you touched and set free!!
Check out to book a women's event or a church service!!
I want to bring an internal revival to all who want to be revived and encouraged by the greatest news ever encountered!
John 10
Hebrews 4,6
2 Corinthians 4
Romans 5
Revelation 19
John 8
Romans 8
John 6