Reverend Tracey Weiss
Evangelist | Minister | Teacher | Revivalist
Tent Revival
June 19, 20 & 21

Do you want to live free from fear, deception, discouragement, and the lies of the enemy?
Discover your true identity and inheritance in Christ. Join us for three days of Tent Revival at Laurel Mountain Ministries! Come out for the daytime workshops and the evening revival services!
These workshops will be full of TRUTH! Hear testimonies, real-life stories of perseverance, and the glorious outcome of living a life with a deep passion for God's Word. Learn to Live free from the lies of the enemy and learn how to help others come out of darkness into God's marvelous Light. You will leave revived, with soul wounds healed, and knowing that God will empower you to fight the good fight of faith. Expect breakthroughs and be set free from torment via a fresh encounter in the Holy Spirit as He reveals Christ in you, the Hope of Glory!! Jesus Christ is the healer and deliverer. Come and Believe!
Sunday, June 19
Tent Revival - 6pm
Worship with JJ of “Love All Around Ministries”
Monday, June 20
Spiritual Warfare Workshop - 1-2:30pm
Tent Revival - 7 pm
Worship with “Broken and Restored“
Tuesday, June 21
Healing Workshop - 1-2:30pm
Tent Revival - 7 pm
Worship with “A’Hava”
LIVE FREE WORKSHOPS - Sign up to reserve your seat and handout for these powerful workshops!
Living in your identity, authority, and power in Christ
Unlocking the power of His Word to defeat the enemy
Staying alert and aware of the enemy's schemes
Finding freedom and deliverance in the Blood of Jesus, the Word of Truth, and Jesus' Name!
We overcome Satan by the blood of the Lamb, the word of our testimony,
and we don't love our own life unto death! Revelation 12:11